August 6, 2021

The future arrives whether people want it to or not. You can sit there, with your horse, thinking to yourself, “Ain’t no one going to want to use of them thar fancy auto-mo-beels, ain’t that right, bessy?” But that’s ultimately just living in denial of reality. In the same way, companies like Uber are probably

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August 3, 2021

At some point in our lives, no matter where we live, we will be forced to drive in some type of adverse weather condition – whether it be snow, rain, heavy wind, or another.  While our driver’s ed classes go over handling these conditions briefly with us, there’s no substitute for experience, and the information

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August 3, 2021

For those of us who have a vehicle and use it regularly, vehicle maintenance is something that may not necessarily cross our minds often but is something that we all should be thinking about and putting our time and effort into a lot more often.  Let’s face it, nobody likes it when their vehicle breaks

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August 3, 2021

There may come a day, possibly even within the next ten years, when you’ll be able to hop in a car, start it up, then kick back, relax, watch movies, read a book, play games or just chat through voice or social media with all your friends and just not have to worry about what’s

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August 3, 2021

When we talk about getting a license to drive, we usually just talk and think about it in terms of just one thing; that license. But getting that little card to put in your wallet is actually made up of a lot of steps, learning a lot of new, different skills, and basically opening up

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