Idrivesafely level assessment featured image

iDriveSafely is usually seen as the perfect middle ground.

It isn't outrageously priced, but it isn't inexpensive either.

Overall, it’s perfect for everyone who doesn’t want to go overboard in any direction.

And, if you want to complete the iDriveSafely traffic school as quickly as possible, the answers below will help you accomplish so in no time!

iDriveSafely Traffic School Level Assessment Answers

iDriveSafely Level 2 Assessment Answers

To help manage risk, it is essential that you _____ that can increase levels of risk.

  1. Avoid overhead signs.
  2. Recognize signal backplates.
  3. Remain alert to conditions or objects.
  4. Avoid advance channelization.

As, a driver, you can lower the level of risk by _____.

  1. Adjusting your speed and space based on your visibility.
  2. All of these answers are correct.
  3. Searching the entire traffic scene for hazards.
  4. Signaling.

Slowing down or "rolling through" a STOP sign is _____.

  1. Legal if another car is stopped on your right.
  2. Against the law.
  3. Legal if you are yielding the right-of-way.
  4. Legal if the intersection is clear.

You should never drive _____, you should avoid sudden steering and braking, and you should always signal your intention to turn or change lanes.

  1. After inclement weather.
  2. If you have a mobile phone in the vehicle.
  3. Where you cannot see.
  4. After rush hour.

In the U.S., over 2 million people are injured and over 30,000 people are killed in traffic collisions _____.

  1. Each year.
  2. By not wearing seat belts.
  3. Every day.
  4. Involving alcohol.

Every vehicle operated on your state roadways must be covered by _____ insurance through a company that is authorized to do business in your state.

  1. Liability.
  2. Medical.
  3. Premium.
  4. Equity.

_____ associated with traffic-related crashes is one of our largest societal problems.

  1. Emergency assistance.
  2. Injury and death.
  3. Insurance costs.
  4. Law enforcement.

Because the actions of other road users are _____ you can lower your risk if you adequately communicate to those around you. Always signal your intention to change lanes or turn.

  1. Unpredictable.
  2. Predictable.
  3. Always legal.
  4. Certain.

Your driving environment changes each time you get behind the wheel - weather, road conditions, your vehicle and other drivers are _____.

  1. Manageable.
  2. Consistent.
  3. Predictable.
  4. Unpredictable. 

Roads that function as expressways and divided highways have high speeds and greater risk of _____ crashes.

  1. Rear-end.
  2. High-impact.
  3. Low-impact.
  4. Fender-bender.

iDriveSafely Level 3 Assessment Answers

Speed _____.

  1. Deceases crash severity.
  2. Increases the distance required to stop.
  3. Is not a factor on the effectiveness of your restraint systems.
  4. Decreases the distance required to stop.

When a right turn on red is permitted, you must still _____.

  1. Yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk.
  2. Slow down slightly.
  3. Stop at all bus stops.
  4. Check your mirrors.

Stiffness in the neck can make it difficult for drivers to _____.

  1. Wear safety belts.
  2. Check to the front sides of their car.
  3. Wear neck braces.
  4. Look behind to check the blind spot.

You can reduce your vehicle's blind spot by _____.

  1. Installing flat mirrors.
  2. Installing oblique mirrors.
  3. Installing large side mirrors.
  4. Installing dynamic mirrors.

The _____ becomes critical if you are in a situations where you may be struck from the rear.

  1. Identification of an alternative path.
  2. Cost of insurance premiums.
  3. Proximity of your cell phone.
  4. Positioning of your rear-view mirror.

If a driver in front stops suddenly and a collision occurs it is the "fault" of _____.

  1. The driver behind.
  2. Both drivers.
  3. The driver ahead.
  4. The driver ahead of the driver in front.

Determine the stopping distance by these factors: _____/.

  1. Impairment, perception distance, and brake condition.
  2. Force of impact, inertia, and brake pressure.
  3. Field of view, reaction distance, and stopping distance.
  4. Perception distance, reaction distance, and braking distance.

When driving at night and you encounter curves, what do you have to remember?

  1. Your headlights point straight ahead, not into the curve.
  2. Use only your low beams because they cut into the curves better.
  3. Move to the right side of the road and go to high beams.
  4. Speed up so you can get through them quickly.

The speed posted on a sign that warns you of a curve ahead _____.

  1. Is the safe speed to travel in ideal conditions.
  2. Is a speed that you should drive if the road is slippery.
  3. Is faster than the speed limit.
  4. Is a speed you can exceed if you have control of your vehicle.

Determine a safe speed to travel based on _____.

  1. How far you can see ahead.
  2. All of these answers are correct.
  3. The design and condition of the raodway.
  4. Traffic density.

iDriveSafely Level 4 Assessment Answers

If you notice someone driving erratically behind you, you should _____.

  1. Let him or her pass you and position your vehicle with plenty of space behind the bad driver.
  2. Position your vehicle to the side and closely observe the driver.
  3. Disregard the driver's actions and mind your own business.
  4. Position your vehicle ahead of the impaired driver.

Due to synergism, if you take two depressants together, it may be the same as taking _____.

  1. 10
  2. 3
  3. 7
  4. none

In California, the fine for a DUI can range from $390 to _____ (plus penalty assessments).

  1. $5,000
  2. $1,000
  3. $500
  4. $400

Males can eliminate alcohol from their bodies faster than women due to having higher amounts of _____.

  1. The pituitary gland.
  2. Adrenaline.
  3. The dehydrogenase enzyme.
  4. Muscle.

All drugs issued under a prescription _____.

  1. Can be refilled at any time.
  2. Can be taken without worry.
  3. Will not have side effects.
  4. Have warning labels.

Drinking to have fun is called _____.

  1. Sober drinking.
  2. Recreational drinking.
  3. Minor drinking.
  4. Low-key drinking.

The amount of alcohol in your bloodstream is called _____.

  1. Blood alcohol concentration.
  2. Blood alcohol differential.
  3. Blood alcohol mix.
  4. Blood alcohol distillate.

When you combine alcohol with some drugs, the results can be _____.

  1. Fatal.
  2. None-threatening.
  3. Mind expanding.
  4. Exhilarating.

On average in the U.S., one friend, parent or family member dies every _____ minutes in alcohol related crashes.

  1. 48
  2. 5
  3. 60
  4. 120

Most state vehicle codes state that you shall not drive after taking a substance that _____.

  1. Alters the central nervous system.
  2. Alters the reflexive capabilities of the muscular system.
  3. Relaxes eye muscles.
  4. Is prescribed by a doctor.

iDriveSafely Level 5 Assessment Answers

Negative thoughts that occur while driving often surface in the form of _____.

  1. Confusion.
  2. Hostile verbal expression.
  3. Playing the radio too loud.
  4. Missing an exit.

The rhythm that regulates the body's natural wake/sleep cycle is called _____.

  1. Natural rhythm.
  2. Circadian rhythm.
  3. Timed rhythm.
  4. Body rhythm.

During each mile you drive, you make approximately _____ driving-related decisions.

  1. 30
  2. 40
  3. 20
  4. 50

Most drivers make _____ driving errors for every 20 decisions they make while driving.

  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 0
  4. 6

Inattention is generally caused by concentration on _____.

  1. Your driving skills.
  2. Emotional issues.
  3. The car in front of you.
  4. The destination.

One way to control distractions is to _____.

  1. Disregard all of them.
  2. Tell your passengers about them.
  3. Make a list of all the ones you cannot control.
  4. Inventory the ones you can control.

You are impaired when your ability to operate a vehicle is _____.

  1. Enhanced.
  2. Consistent.
  3. Marginal.
  4. Limited or hampered.

It is not safe to drive if you stay awake during _____.

  1. The late morning hours.
  2. Your natural sleep time.
  3. The hours right after you eat a large meal.
  4. The hours right after going to the gym.

During each mile you drive, up to _____ events you need to interpret can occur.

  1. 75
  2. 100
  3. 200
  4. 50

Some people, when they are caught in a situation where they have no control can become frustrated, which can lead to _____.

  1. A feeling of confusion.
  2. Outrage.
  3. Calming behaviors.
  4. Aggression.

iDriveSafely Level 6 Assessment Answers

If you hear or see an emergency vehicle approaching within _____, you must safely pull over to the right-hand edge or curb.

  1. 100 feet.
  2. One block.
  3. 1,000 feet.
  4. Your lane.

_____ signs communicate laws.

  1. Regulatory.
  2. Guide.
  3. Cautionary.
  4. Warning.

Flashing red and yellow lights control some intersections during times when there is _____ traffic flow.

  1. Low.
  2. Extremely high.
  3. Moderate.
  4. Moderately high.

Reversible lanes are marked with unique signs, signals, and markings, such as _____.

  1. A red "X", which means the lane is closed. 
  2. A solid yellow "X", which means stay in the lane but slow down.
  3. A flashing red "X", which means to prepare to stop.
  4. A flashing yellow "X", which means use this lane ONLY for a right turn.

Passing a stopped school bus with flashing red lights and a stop signal arm can generate a fine of up to _____.

  1. $1,000
  2. Nothing, As long as you don't get caught.
  3. $500
  4. $250

The use of turn signals and your _____ are the methods of communicating to other road users that are used most often.

  1. Brake lights.
  2. Body movement.
  3. High beams.
  4. Steering style.

If you are approaching a controlled intersection with multiple turn lanes and you would like to change lanes, you should do ALL of the following EXCEPT:

  1. Signal your intentions.
  2. Check your blind spot.
  3. Get into the lane as fast as possible.
  4. Search the intersection and the roadway for traffic controls, pedestrians, and other users.

In California, any driver who does not yield the right-of-way to a blind pedestrian can be charged with _____.

  1. Absolutely nothing.
  2. A misdemeanor.
  3. An infraction.
  4. A felony.

_____ diamond-shaped or _____ signs alert drivers of construction zones.

  1. Red, octagonal.
  2. Orange, rectangular.
  3. Blue, triangular.
  4. Green, square.

_____ when you are approaching a blind curve to warn others that cannot see you coming.

  1. Position your vehicle in the center of the lane.
  2. Honk your horn.
  3. Tap on the brake lights.
  4. Use your turn signal.

iDriveSafely Level 7 Assessment Answers

While driving in the city, the busy urban environment can induce _____.

  1. Mental focus.
  2. Drowsiness.
  3. Visual overload.
  4. Fatigue.

When driving in the city, _____ may help you avoid traffic, but they may not be as safe or they may increase your travel time because of traffic control lights.

  1. Toll roads.
  2. Interstates.
  3. Side streets.
  4. Expressways.

On the freeway, maintain a 3 second following distance. If the road is slippery or wet, adjust your distance to _____.

  1. 10 seconds.
  2. 12 seconds.
  3. 9 seconds.
  4. 4 or more seconds.

If traffic traveling faster than the speed limit, resist going the speed of the _____.

  1. Slowest vehicles.
  2. Vehicles blocking traffic.
  3. Fastest vehicles.
  4. Tailgaters.

One of the most important tasks to complete if you are going to drive in the rain, slush and mud is to _____.

  1. Change your warning lights.
  2. Carry a bag of kitty litter.
  3. Apply a good coat of wax to your vehicle.
  4. Check your tire inflation and tread depth.

Urban driving often involves limited _____ which often obstructs advance warning of traffic obstacles.

  1. Regulations.
  2. Visibility.
  3. Signs.
  4. Signals.

One-way streets have identifying features including _____.

  1. Vehicles all pointing in one direction. 
  2. WRONG WAY signs posted at one end.
  3. Absent yellow lines.
  4. All of these answers are correct.

When changing lanes on a freeway, signal your intentions and _____.

  1. Turn on your hazard lights.
  2. Change lanes before scanning.
  3. Do not anticipate other drives will open a gap for you to enter.
  4. Straddle the lanes until you have a gap.

Many head-on collisions occur on two-lane roads when passing because drivers _____.

  1. Misjudge the closure rate of oncoming traffic.
  2. Are not paying attention to road conditions.
  3. Are impatient and tailgate.
  4. Speed up when they see they are being passed.

On cold days, to prevent moisture from forming on the inside of the glass, _____ before you turn on the defroster.

  1. Exit the car.
  2. Scrape the outside of the windshield.
  3. Turn the heater on high and let the engine warm up.
  4. Ensure your antifreeze levels are adequate.

iDriveSafely Level 8 Assessment Answers

_____ skids occur when the brakes are applied so hard that the front or rear wheels lose traction.

  1. Cornering.
  2. Braking.
  3. Blowout.
  4. Power.

Many collisions become more serious when driver _____.

  1. Let go of the steering wheel.
  2. Don't call 911.
  3. Panic.
  4. Honk.

Motor vehicle crashes are the number _____ cause of death for people ages 3 to 33.

  1. Four.
  2. Two.
  3. Three.
  4. One.

To regain control of a vehicle in a skid, _____.

  1. Press hard on the accelerator.
  2. Counter steer to the maximum.
  3. Press hard on the brake.
  4. Make smooth steering corrections.

If you experience a blow out in one of your front tires, your vehicle will _____.

  1. Pull hard toward the deflated tire.
  2. Pull hard in the direction of the tire still inflated.
  3. Fishtail away from the blowout.
  4. Roll over.

In California, when is it OK for a child under 8 years old and 4 feet 9 inches in height to ride in the front seat of a vehicle?

  1. All options are correct.
  2. The rear seats are side-facing jump seats.
  3. All the rear seats are occupied by children 7 years old or younger.
  4. There is no rear seat.

If you are in an emergency and there is no space to the side to steer out of the way of a crash, _____.

  1. Change the gear to NEUTRAL.
  2. Depress the emergency brake.
  3. Use controlled braking.
  4. Prepare for impact.

The proper use of safety equipment in your vehicle has the potential to _____.

  1. Increase fatigue.
  2. Reduce injury.
  3. Contradict safe behavior.
  4. Result in legal action.

Most hazards or obstacles will be detected _____ of your vehicle.

  1. To the left side.
  2. To the rear.
  3. To the right side.
  4. In front.

To reduce injury in the event your air bag deploys, position your body at least _____ from the steering wheel.

  1. 4 inches.
  2. 6 inches.
  3. 10 inches.
  4. 8 inches.

iDriveSafely Level 9 Assessment Answers

For specific guidelines on your vehicle's maintenance, make sure to _____.

  1. Reference your owner's manual.
  2. Utilize a custom checklist based on your experience.
  3. Check with your mechanic.
  4. Reference the internet for recall information.

Before you have work done on your vehicle, _____.

  1. Be prepared to spend an inordinate amount of time waiting.
  2. Get a detailed estimate that includes the service, the parts, and the labor costs.
  3. Take detailed pictures of the interior and exterior.
  4. Find out if the dealer has loaners.

Child restraint anchorage systems should have _____ lower anchorages.

  1. 4
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3

One driving technique that could increase your fuel economy is to _____.

  1. Maximize the use of your brakes.
  2. Under-inflate your tires.
  3. Avoid unnecessary idling.
  4. Drive in lower gears.

The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards are written in terms of _____ safety performance requirements for motor vehicles.

  1. Moderate.
  2. Marginal.
  3. Maximum.
  4. Minimum.

Check a rental vehicle for _____ before you leave the lot.

  1. Cup holders.
  2. Registration.
  3. Fuel prices.
  4. Scratches and dents.

One of the most important things you should do before you leave the lot with a rental car is _____.

  1. Check the location and condition of the spare tire.
  2. Check to see if you can get a discount.
  3. Make sure it is clean.
  4. Wash the windshield.

If parts are replaced when you have work done on your vehicle, _____.

  1. You can expect to pay less.
  2. You can be sure they will be refurbished.
  3. Donate the old ones to a charity.
  4. Ask to see the old ones.

After you start your vehicle, and as you begin to drive, always check your _____.

  1. Windshield wipers.
  2. Brakes.
  3. Accelerator linkage.
  4. Turn signals

There have been improvements to ABS including _____.

  1. Push button override.
  2. The lack of a pulse.
  3. Emergency assist.
  4. Audio fail warnings.

iDriveSafely Final Exam Answers

Combining two drugs can intensify the effects. This is called _____.

  1. Unogism.
  2. Plagiarism.
  3. Synergism. 
  4. Prynergism.

Light trucks have a high center of gravity which increases their susceptibility to _____.

  1. Oversteer.
  2. Understeer.
  3. Accelerate quickly.
  4. Roll over.

The majority of drivers involved in collisions are people who have a _____ driving record.

  1. Suspended.
  2. Good.
  3. 10-12 point.
  4. 12-14 point.

A lack of _____ is a major factor in traffic crashes.

  1. Distractions.
  2. Speed.
  3. Power steering.
  4. Risk awareness.

By law, if you are involved in a collision, _____.

  1. Report to the nearest hospital.
  2. You do not have to stop if no one is injured.
  3. You must call for roadside assistance.
  4. You are required to stop.

Fatality related to motor vehicle traffic is the number one cause of accidental death and motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death for people ages _____.

  1. 5 to 15
  2. 3 to 33
  3. 65 to 85
  4. 1 to 2

Highway hypnosis is related to _____.

  1. Physical illness.
  2. Wet weather driving.
  3. Driving in low visibility.
  4. Drowsy driving.

If you are the only one on the scene of the crash _____.

  1. Drive away.
  2. Call a taxi.
  3. Call 911.
  4. Setup a road block.

When another driver travels at erratic speeds, weaves in and out of lanes, and sits in unusual postures, these are indication that the driver _____.

  1. Is not licensed.
  2. Is impaired.
  3. Is lost.
  4. Is distracted.

In general, for males it takes the liver up to _____ to process approximately one drink.

  1. 10 minutes.
  2. 4 hours.
  3. 3 hours.
  4. 1 hour.

When traveling on rural roadways at higher speeds, remember you will _____.

  1. Have increased peripheral vision.
  2. Require additional fuel.
  3. Need a longer stopping distance.
  4. Best control your vehicle with hand-over-hand steering.

Risk while driving is defined as the probability of _____ damage or loss.

  1. Fault.
  2. Injury.
  3. Suspension.
  4. Revocation.

_____ hours awake = same effect as .07 blood alcohol concentration.

  1. 18
  2. 12
  3. 16
  4. 14

Aggressive driving can be defined as operating a vehicle in a manner that is likely to _____.

  1. Make the evening news.
  2. Result in a traffic delay.
  3. Result in the issuance of a ticket.
  4. Endanger someone.

Inattention is a general lack of _____ the task of driving.

  1. Caring about.
  2. Respect for.
  3. Focus on.
  4. Understanding of.

If you have a solid yellow line on your side of the road _____.

  1. You are in a passing zone.
  2. You are able to cross over into the oncoming lane.
  3. You are in a right turn lane.
  4. You cannot pass or cross over into the oncoming lane.

Among those killed, teenage drivers have the highest death rates per miles driven among all age groups, followed by elderly drivers and young _____.

  1. Adult females.
  2. Adult males.
  3. Truckers.
  4. Bus drivers.

The complex integrated system made up of roadways, vehicles, and drivers is called _____.

  1. National Highway Bureau.
  2. Highway and Motor Vehicle Bureau.
  3. Highway and Transportation System.
  4. Motor Vehicle System.

If you are inattentive on the road, you will _____.

  1. Certainly lose control of the vehicle.
  2. Rapidly drift into a microsleep.
  3. Not be prepared for the unexpected.
  4. Attract the attention of a policeman.

Always _____ others who are already in the intersection.

  1. Signal.
  2. Honk at.
  3. Accelerate past.
  4. Yield to.

Most skids are caused by _____/

  1. Driving too slow.
  2. Poor weather.
  3. Driver error.
  4. Malfunctioning power steering.

If you have to drive on a long trip, wearing your seatbelt prevents your _____ from tiring so quickly.

  1. Feet.
  2. Fingers.
  3. Brain.
  4. Muscles.

During the first 12 months after the issuance, a holder of a provisional license may not drive with a passenger under the age of _____.

  1. 21
  2. 30
  3. 20
  4. 25

If you can see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights ahead, _____.

  1. Do not follow too closely.
  2. Get as close as you can.
  3. Make a U-turn.
  4. Turn on your flashers to help the emergency vehicle.

Young children can sustain serious injuries from _____, which deploy even in a speed crash.

  1. ABS.
  2. Air bags.
  3. Cargo nets.
  4. Head restraints.

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